J. Michael Goldberg, Attorney
We hired Pat as our premises liability expert in a negligent security case. Before that, two other experts — both very competent and highly regarded in the field — had declined. We were not looking for a hired gun, though. We had a sense about the case — one involving an horrific and preventable criminal attack — and we were looking for an expert willing to give honest, factually-supported opinions in a difficult case that many believed had no chance of success.
Pat developed thorough familiarity with the facts, conducted independent research and investigation, and provided us with invaluable guidance and expertise relative to taking depositions. Afterwards, he prepared a detailed report that reflected his intimate knowledge of the facts, and set forth opinions that were firmly grounded in those facts. Pat was intellectually honest in his assessment of the merits of the case and the parties’ liabilities, and that, too, showed through his report.
Pat has integrity, insight, and a solid work ethic. It was a pleasure working with him.