Dallas Police Department Apartment Security Program
The Dallas Police Department offers training for apartment property managers and property management companies for managing a security program/crime prevention program the their properties. The Gold Star Program is also known as the Multi-Family Crime Free program offered across the country through various police departments. www.dallaspolice.net/community/goldStarProgram.html.
As a Dallas-area Security Expert and Consultant I am confident you will learn a great deal. This program trains managers about the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) which are the basic elements of a crime prevention program. CPTED initiation at any type of facility is designed to increase visibility by reducing visual obstructions, increasing awareness to how properties are accessed from roadways as well as access to certain areas within the property, and about territoriality. Territoriality is the basic practice of keeping the property maintained by keeping it clean, addressing exterior maintenance issues, and providing potential criminals with the impression that they would be discovered more easily.
For more information contact
Dallas Police Department
Neighborhood Policing Team
Senior Corporal Beaty
6969 McCallum Blvd
Dallas, TX 75252
214-670-1581 or Lindsey Allen
[email protected]